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What we believe God has called us to

We believe the Lord has called us to share Christ's love with immigrants and internationals living in the United States and to train them to do the same with their own countrymen - either domestically or internationally.  We share the gospel with those from other countries and equip them to, in turn, make disciples of the people of their own culture and language. Culture and language can be both barriers and assets for reaching a people group, so who better to proclaim the gospel to the immigrant than a Christian fellow countryman?

​​How we believe He is calling us to do it

There are two main ways we believe the Lord is calling us to reach internationals who live in the Washington, D.C. area. First, by outreach and second, by mobilization.


We reach out to various kinds of local internationals. One kind are those who have moved to the U.S. for to stay. They are connected relationally to other people in the U.S. from their homeland and also through continuing relationships with those remaining in their home country. We are seeking to share the gospel along these relational lines. The second kind of people are international students and visiting scholars. Unlike those who have moved here for good, this population returns to their country for the most part. Nuanced approaches for either demographic are employed, but a common denominator is serving and building relationships and sharing the gospel. 


By God's grace, we make local churches aware of the opportunity the Lord has put before the western church and equip them to respond through teaching and hands on training.


If you are interested in having us conduct some trainings at your church, please contact us.





: : : Contact us C/O Global Gates 236 W 72nd Street, New York, New York 10023 | © 2023 : : :


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